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When Design Goes Wrong

Have you ever had a vision for your design, only to have a designer who just doesn’t seem to get it?

Don’t worry; you’re not alone. Here’s how to deal with a designer who just doesn’t understand you.

“When Design Goes Wrong: How to Deal with a Designer who Just Doesn’t Get You?”

Design is a critical aspect of any business or personal project. It’s the first thing people see when they visit your website, read your brochure, or see your logo. The design has the power to captivate your audience, establish your brand, and leave a lasting impression. But what happens when the designer just doesn’t get you?

Having a designer who doesn’t understand your vision can be frustrating, time-consuming, and costly. But before you give up and settle for a mediocre design, here are some tips on how to deal with a designer who just doesn’t get you.

The first step in dealing with a designer who doesn’t understand your vision is to communicate your vision. Don’t assume that the designer knows what you want. Be specific and provide examples of designs that you like.

The greatest communication skill is listening to understand, not to reply.

John C. Maxwell

It’s also essential to be open to feedback and suggestions. Remember, the designer is a professional who has experience in design and may offer valuable insights to improve your design.

Find a Designer Who Specializes in Your Niche

Designers specialize in different areas, such as web design, print design, or branding. If you’re struggling to find a designer who understands your vision, consider finding one who specializes in your niche. A designer who has experience in your industry will have a better understanding of your target audience, style, and aesthetic.

Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.

Steve Jobs

Check the Designer’s Portfolio

Before hiring a designer, it’s crucial to check their portfolio. Look for designs that align with your vision, style, and aesthetic. If the designer’s portfolio doesn’t resonate with you, then they may not be the right fit.

However, it’s essential to keep in mind that a designer’s portfolio is not a definitive measure of their skills. They may have created designs that are outside of their comfort zone or style. Don’t be afraid to ask for additional examples or references to gauge their skills further.

Set Realistic Expectations

Having realistic expectations is essential when dealing with a designer. It’s unrealistic to expect a designer to read your mind or create a design that is beyond their skills. Set realistic deadlines, communicate your needs clearly, and be open to compromise.

Good design is all about making other designers feel like idiots because that idea wasn't theirs.

Ellen Lupton

Consider Hiring a Design Consultant

If you’re still struggling to find a designer who understands your vision, consider hiring a design consultant. A design consultant can help you define your vision, create a design brief, and recommend designers who specialize in your niche. A design consultant can also provide valuable insights into the design process and help manage the project, ensuring that your vision is met.


Dealing with a designer who just doesn’t get you can be frustrating, but it doesn’t have to be a roadblock to achieving your design goals. By communicating your vision, finding a designer who specializes in your niche, checking the designer’s portfolio, setting realistic expectations, and considering hiring a design consultant, you can overcome the difficulties.

In conclusion, design is a critical aspect of any project, and having a designer who doesn’t understand your vision can be challenging. However, by following the tips mentioned above, you can increase the chances of finding a designer who aligns with your vision and create a design that leaves a lasting impression. Remember, communication is key, and it’s essential to be open to feedback and suggestions. With these strategies in mind, you can navigate the design process with ease and confidence. Don’t settle for a mediocre design. Keep pushing until you find a designer who gets you and your vision.

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